

This Project has been developed within the framework of Erasmus+. The project partners OXOt vzw (BE) as Leadparter,

FUNDACION SALUD Y COMUNIDAD (ES), kentro prolipsis twn exartisewn kai proagwghs ths psychokoinwnikhs ygeias p.e. Larissas -OKANA (EL) and INMAD (AT) aim - among others to develop a set of skills and competences of the participants on how to better employ creative activities in a therapeutic context so as to achieve mitigation of mental health related symptoms and the promotion of social inclusion of individuals in vulnerable socioeconomic position.


  • To develop participants' skills related to the intersection between creativity and therapy so as to help and empower vulnerable people. We want to foster and spread the use of such innovative practices initially between our organizations through the exchange of good practices and then use them for the betterment of our communities.
  • To enhance the social and creative abilities and skills of vulnerable individuals so as to improve their socieconomic activity. We want to involve them in our innovative art therapy methodologies and make them active participants in creating a network of therapists, artists and socially disadvantaged people.
  • To employ digital tools to further facilitate and enhance the aforementioned practices so as to increase their reach and efficiency by creating an online media through which we can communicate our work.

