ASLECT – Active Seniors Learn, Educate, Communicate and Transmit
ASLECT approaches the presence of senior people in cultural organizations, projecting on them a double perspective: as users/beneficiaries of educational and cultural programmes and equally as learning resources for developing such programmes.
In ASLECT perspective, seniors are both resources and beneficiaries of learning, while cultural organizations must strengthen their capacities to treat them as such, to support and to promote their integration as active citizens in the local communities.
ASLECT will identify a series of Good practices on Seniors Involvement in Education and Cultural life, will elaborate training materials aimed to help cultural professionals to work with seniors, developing educational programmes with them and for them.
With the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union ASLECT is a project funded under KA4 Valorisation sub-programme. Project number: 511842-LLP-2010-RO-KA4-KA4MP.