INMADInternational institute for managing dIVERSITY is a non-profit institution specialized in all activities around „Valuing and Managing Diversity“.

As adult education provider our core offes are trainings, courses and workshops emphasizing on the development of  skills and competences to be used in  a culture-specific as well as an intercultural environment. We provide pre-designed and tailor-made vocational trainings for companies, organizaitons and institutions to support them in

  • establishing crossborder relations
  • market entires as well as mergers& acquisitions
  • human resource development

Furthermore we train

  • trainers
  • career councellors
  • coaches and
  • all interested 

in the field of gender mainstreaming and give special support in gender and diversity related issues for people working in a multicultural environment.

We regularly offer train-the-trainer courses for different training fields and prepare the participants especially for the practical application of gained knowledge, skills and competences.