A common challenge for European school systems is the prevention of early school leaving. According to the most recent research almost one out of five students is  not completing school. Teachers are suffering from that due to the need of specific skills and competences in understanding and dealing with pupils at risk of school early school leaving. The overall aim of the course is to support teachers with tools and competences in helping young people in carrying out their educational plans and target their professional careers.

The 10-days training course will support teachers with knowledge and tools in identifying students at risk, managing diversity, non-violent communication, coaching & mediation as well as career planning tools – all to be applied in practical every day usage in class.

Day 1-2:

  • School drop outs
    • what causes it
    • students at risk
  • Identifying students at risk and ways to support them

Day 3:

  • Managing diversity in school
  • Communication & non violent communication  - how to apply it in class.

Day 4:

  • Introduction to Coaching & Mediation - how it help to
    • solve violence, bullying
    • give self-confidence to the students

Day 5-7:

  • Coaching and mediation techniques and exercises

Day 8-9:

  • Careers of the young ones – how to help them finding their mission in life (tools & exercises)

Day 10:

  • How to apply the learned techniques in class.


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