TRAIN-THE-TRAINE for Language Trainers focusing on Creative Methods in Language Training
The “Train-the-Trainer for Language Trainers with a focus on creative methods in language training” is a 10 days training that focuses on the following topics:
- Different types of language training
- Foreign language learning in the home country
- Foreign language learning abroad (country where the language is spoken)
- Improvement of mother tongue
- Trainers basic education
- Working with groups:
- Communication & Intercultural Communication
- Group dynamics & Conflict Resolution
- Managing Diversity
- Didactics applied in training
- Target orientation (SMAR Goals, etc)
- Learning to learn
- Involvement of participants
- Exercises applied in the different phases
- Methods used in training
- Training different types of presentations
- Media used in training
- Facilitating
- Guidance
- Working with groups:
- Creative methods in language training
- Presentation of methods and their possibilities of application in training
- Planning a Training session
- How to plan a training - necessary tools used target oriented
- Practical planning sessions (Group works)
- Presentation of planned training session with group feedback
The course can be provided in English or German and course dates will be agreed on upon your request. For any further information do not hesitate to contact us:
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