This Grundtvig Learing Partnership project aims at discovering various pedagogical approaches (both concerning the pedagogical tools and the didactical aspect) in 5 European countries in order to explore the teaching of key competences toward adult learners.  The partnership focuses especially on two competences:

  • "learning to learn""
  • "communicate in the mother tongue."

The aim of this partnership was to share, compare and as far as possible transfer the educational tools and methodologies developed and used in different European countries.

Due to the organized visits in all the teaching institutions involved in the project, the stakeholders perceived the necessity of becoming acquainted with other teaching approaches and other tools. The partners concentrated especially on two of the 8 key competences, i.e “ learning to learn” and “communicating in your native language”. Questions like

  • How far does each partner go in the treatment of each of these competences ?
  • How do they implement them practically ?
  • were  point of discussion and comparison. As far as ‘learning to learn” is concerned topics like

    • What didactic approach is adopted to work on this competence as a skill of its own ( as opposed to a cross disciplinary approach)?
    • What methodology should be used ?

    were  paid specific attention. Among others an important subject matter for key competence “communicating in your native language” were

    • How can learning tools be adapted and personalised so that they apply to specific professional situations ?

    Beyond the exchange, a European dimension has been given to the teachings passed on to adult learners by diversifying the methods and the tools and by enriching the contents.

    The project's website gives further informatin on the topic: